1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
The head of MI5 warned yesterday that teenagers as young as 15 are being groomed to carry out terrorist attacks in Britain, and al-Qaida sympathisers are hatching plots in a growing number of foreign countries against targets here. ______In a reference to Russia and China, Mr Evans also said some countries were devoting "considerable time and energy trying to steal sensitive technology on civilian and military projects, and trying to obtain political and economic intelligence".
Mr Evans said he expected MI5, with a workforce now of about 3,150, would have 4,000 staff by 2011, a quarter of them based outside London in the agency's regional offices
The Guardian, November 6, 2007
2. Create a gulag
Britain's part in the 'RENDITION' scandal - a term that effectively disguises kidnapping and torture in a bureaucratic euphenism - is becoming better known.

However, we are still not told the truth about 'CAMP JUSTICE' in Diego Garcia, the island illegally occupied by the USA, with the collaboration of the British Government.
Allegations that the CIA held al-Qaida suspects for interrogation at a secret prison on sovereign British territory are to be investigated by MPs, the Guardian has learned. The all-party foreign affairs committee is to examine long-standing suspicions that the agency has operated one of its so-called "black site" prisons on Diego Garcia, the British overseas territory in the Indian Ocean that is home to a large US military base.
Guardian October 19th October 2007
'(A) . . . call for an independent inquiry was echoed by Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, and Andrew Tyrie, Tory chairman of the parliamentary group on extraordinary rendition, pressed Miliband to seek more information from the US, including reports that detainees were held on the island or on US ships anchored nearby.'
Guardian, March 10th 2008
At home the news that the Government is intending to build 'Super Prisons' to hold 2,500 inmates has been covered extensively. They obviously want UK society to reflect that in the USA, where record levels of men are now locked up, and thus condemned to a life-cycle of fear and poverty - which earns billions of $$$'s for the like of Wackenhut.
PM steams ahead with plan to build 'Titan' prisons (Jan 30 2008) and Inspector criticises rush to build jails (January 30 2008)
3. Develop a thug caste
British Ministers are negotiating multi-million-pound contracts with private security firms to cover some of the gaps created by British troop withdrawals. . . .The UK government has already paid out almost £160m to private security companies (PSCs) since the invasion of Iraq, for a range of services, including the protection of British officials on duty and in transit in some of the most dangerous parts of the world.
But despite expectations that the booming market for private security would go into decline following the bursting of the "Iraq bubble", firms have now been told to expect even more lucrative work during the "post-occupation phase". The Scotsman
This, along with the return of troops from Iraq who have been trained to deal with 'insurgents' and civilian 'unrest', give the British Government a 'pool' of traumatised labour to recruit into the increasing number of police agencies hired by THEM with OUR money to spy on US !
The British government should outlaw private military and security companies from operating in conflict zones such as Iraq, the charity War on Want said today.
The call followed reports this afternoon that British security company Erinys International is the employer of the guards who opened fire on a taxi near Kirkuk in Iraq yesterday, wounding three civilians, including two women.
Erinys has encountered previous criticism for alleged prisoner abuse by its employees and for hiring former apartheid-era paramilitary police and mercenaries from South Africa. Erinys is a founder member of the British Association of Private Security Companies (BAPSC), the trade association which has been involved in regulation talks with the UK government, and Erinys representatives have met with officials from the Foreign Office’s Iraq directorate.__________________WAR ON WANT
War on Want’s report on the private military and security industry, Corporate Mercenaries, can be downloaded from www.waronwant.org/pmsc - along with video footage of mercenaries fighting in Iraq.
David Miliband, the foreign secretary, today faces a legal challenge over the government's failure to introduce a law to regulate private military and security companies. The move, by lawyers acting for the charity War on Want, follows an increasing number of reports of human rights abuse by employees of foreign companies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
British security and military companies increased their profits from £320m in 2003 to £1.8bn in 2004. Estimates have suggested the total income for the private security sector worldwide has reached £50bn a year. The Guardian, Monday February 18 2008
And if you wonder when these characters will be on British streets, doing the dirty work of the state, you need to look no further than the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes.
The surveillance operation which involved various police and intelligence services, including the Special Reconnaissance Regiment which was only set-up in April of this year, and their involvement in the killing of de Menezes provides us with some testament as to quite how 'special' their 'reconnaissance' abilities are and how well the intelligence and security services work when required. . .
The Antagonist
4._____Set up an internal surveillance system
He got bullied at school for playing with airfix models . . . |
Where do we start ? ID cards, the highest number of CCTV cameras in the world (20% of the global total); facial and number plate recognition, local police forces being provided with 'remote drones' to spy on the citizens; numerous Government agencies given access to your data, bank accounts , communications and home . . The UK is now a place that can make people who grew up in Soviet Russia feel uneasy. The technologies of control - a speciality of both the British and Israeli security industries - have now been perfected to the point where people are being put under surveillance (and imprisoned) for 'thought crimes'. Possessing information is now regarded as a sign of guilt; knowledge is perceived as intent; dissent as treason.
ARTICLE; Ten ways to thwart Big Brother
5. Harass citizens' groups
Last April, six peaceful protesters (including a GP) against the widening of the M1 were arrested before they arrived at the motorway. They had never done anything more remarkable than hang banners from motorway bridges. They were held for 14 hours; their houses were broken into although the police had their keys; and they had computers, diaries, bicycles and notebooks seized. They were bailed on condition they had no contact with one another, although two are partners, and two share a house. Seven months on they have neither been charged nor had their possessions returned. Yet peaceful civil protest is supposed to be permissible in Britain.
Guardian Nov 21 2007
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
' The number of terrorist prisoners held in jails in England and Wales is expected to increase tenfold from 131 to more than 1,600 over the next 10 years, according to internal Ministry of Justice forecasts, it was revealed yesterday. . . .While al-Qaida-inspired extremism remains the greatest risk, Prison Service chiefs said they also had dissident Irish republicans, Ulster loyalists, members of anarchist and anti-globalisation groups, animal liberation activists, and members of the far right. The Guardian, November 8, 2007
7. Target key individuals
Perhaps the highest profile case in recent years has been the mysterious death of Dr. David Kelly, the leading British expert on weapons of mass destruction (WMD's). His case was quickly determined to be that of suicide, but a lingering suspicion as to the cause of his death by leading forensic scientists, as well by a large section of the general public led Liberal Democrat MP to launch his own investigation.
The results are thought-provoking, to say the least, and can be found here (Part 1 and Part 2) . The MP is now quite sure that the weapons expert was murdered -with the implication that he was being pressurised to give evidence to Parliamentary inquiries into the truth of US and British Government assertions that Saddam Husseins Iraqi regime possessed WMD's.
As they were using this allegation to make their case for aggressive (and as the world now realises, illegal) war on the Iraqi people; and David Kelly, as an international authority on this subject would have been able to raise public doubts on their veracity; he was a KEY INDIVIDUAL in the lead-up to war.
Since then, Norman Baker - not known previously as an alarmist or eccentric - has had his computer files at his Lewes constituency office 'remotely wiped' and his informants in the case, such as 'respectable, retired Civil servants' have been threatened and burgled after talking to him . . .
To be completed soon . . . . !
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law |