Co-editors: John Heathcote Seán Mac Mathúna
Consulting editor: Themistocles Hoetis
Field Correspondent: Allen Houglande-mail:
If you were wondering what Tony Blair's legacy consisted of; apart from the PFI scandal which is set to cost the working people of Britain at least £91 - 170 billion; the ongoing illegal war tragedy in Iraq and Afghanistan; and the removal of the British people's hard-fought-for civil liberties; we can now add - the destruction of the compromised and sadly unrepresentative New Labour Party and Brown Government. Reports first emanating from the Sunday Mail on the 25th November - the paper of choice for suburban Tories - uncovered a number of donations (now known to total over £580,000) to the Labour Party, made under a variety of names/identities by 'David Martin /Abrahams', a ' wealthy property developer '. Dave Martin / Abrahams Reports in subsequent papers; and Channel 4 News (27th November) have revealed a number of interesting 'leads', which, if put into context, will demonstrate more than a straightforward corruption case. We must be aware also, of the old Roman phrase CUIT BUONO 'Who Benefits'. As the story unrolls, and the Labour Government is (inevitably) replaced by the Old Etonian party of Camerosborne, leaving no mass opposition to the final onset of autocratic Government in Britain, this will be seen as the 'tipping point' from where there was no return. Tony Blair destroyed the Labour Party in a way that Thatcher had found impossible to do ten years earlier. As someone who had no connection with the life of working people, he came from nowhere and superceded all the other, worthier contenders, such as Robin Cook, who was as close to a principled socialist as you got in the Labour Party leadership. ( Coincidentally, shortly after resigning as Leader of the House in protest at Blair's Iraq war venture, he had a heart attack on the side of a mountain - unlike John Smith, the previous much-lamented Labour Leader, who had his at a dinner). Blair's first major act as Labour leader was to abolish Clause 4, the principle of common ownership of the nations wealth (water, raw resources, oil, health, strategic industries, land); and replace it with the glories of Corporatism and private wealth. Under his tenure the rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and we saw our country's defence put at the service of the US Government in an aggressive and illegal war. The story below is the latest instalment in a story, of how Britain's organised working-class opposition to Eastablishment oligarchy were finally bought off , fooled and discredited; a century after they first tried to turn the table on their masters. It involves the Friends of Israel, and no doubt the hidden hand of the Anglo-American intelligence; but more than that, the greedy complacency of those who once claimed to represent the working people, selling the legacy of their forefathers in order to maintain their life in a limo-driven lifestyles whilst lecturing the poor for their indolence. |
Points of interest;
BOTH QUOTES ABOVE FROM The Guardian 28th November 2007
More to come soon . . . |