Co-editors: Seán Mac Mathúna John Heathcote
Consulting editor: Themistocles Hoetis
Field Correspondent: Allen Houglande-mail:
PAGANISM Radio Show - Link Below
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We are trapped inside a circle of perception; a ring more solid than steel, more transparent than crystal glass. Time and consciousness are faces on the two sides of the same disk, inseperable, welded together. We used to see through the eyes of the Universe; now each man stares down the same dark tunnel; into the eyes of others staring back from their own blank loneliness. We used to taste nature from the time we emerged from the light back into this world, taste it with a remembrance that it was part of us; now we seperate ourselves from that feeling with the trash of artifice and the dissolution of Mystery.
WHAT IS RELIGION ? Religion is a way of channelling the energy of the spirit. What began as the integration of Man and Mystery, Nature and Soul. We are limitless spirits trapped inside electric corpses; our imaginations become the bubbles of our feedom. When these bubbles are suppressed, squeezed inside our frame; rather than floating outside us, energised by the land, the sky, the water, each other; we channel our imagination into the only horizons left for exploration. Why climb into a tin rocket which tears the skin of our delicate atmosphere when we can travel in other, less destructive, but deeper ways . Although certain functions of religion have been appropriated by the secular world, such as psychology and spectacle; religion went hand in hand with civilization and appropriated secular power to itself. Armies, empires and the making and breaking of Emperors,Treaties and Alliances became the domain of the Holy Church; and from being one belief amongst many, it monopolised Western Culture like Hollywood does now. If you did not agree with the Christian Church's perception of life; it became increasingly hard to survive in the society. Up until the Time of Labour; institutionalised with the King James Bible; which set God's Law down like a contract written by Shakespeare; most natural people in Britain ragarded Nature as their God and the Green Man as his agent on Earth. Who was Robin Hood? Social revolutionary, dispossessed Saxon or Celtic Druid, last insurgent of the pagan underground ? Living in the Forest, the totem the stag; using the bow of Yew and the Arrow of Ash; a coven of 13 with the Sacred Bride and the man who falls prey to the treachery of the Christian Nuns and the secular (as opposed to the Magical) King? Paganism - many gods from one, many faces looking out as well as in; a multitude of ways to direct the energies of nature - even those residing in us.
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